What's Included in the Restart a Heart Package?
The Heart and Stroke Foundation of New Brunswick is the comprehensive solution for purchasing AEDs. Our AED packages start at $3,250, and provide you with the following :
A fully bilingual AED equipped with a battery & universal pads (can be used on children or adults)
AED wall cabinet with built in alarm
Registration with the Public Access to Defibrillation program
Your choice of AED/CPR training
All shipping & handling fees

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Richard Hebb
AEDs Save Lives
About Restart a Heart
Restart a Heart Program
This program is partnered with our AED subsidy program. Eligible organizations can apply to have the cost of their AED subsidized up to 75%.
The Restart a Heart Program was launched in 2008, with an objective to secure funding that enables Heart & Stroke NB and its partners to distribute Automated External Defibrillators (AEDS) throughout New Brunswick. To date, we have placed more than 550 AEDs throughout the province, saving 25 New Brunswick lives so far.
Experts recommend that AED'S be available in locations where large groups of people gather, or where EMS may take longer to reach. AED's are effective, safe and user-friendly devices that have been specifically designed for anyone to use.
If your organization is interested in placing an AED, or is looking for more information, please contact below.